What's New with Mercy Soccer

International Experience for all Mercy Soccer Players
A British organization called Challenger Sports will be providing Mercy with a “dedicated” trainer from England for 10 weeks in the spring. Every day after school, this trainer will be at Mercy soccer practices working with coaches and players to make the season the most fun and rewarding experience ever for everyone! (Thanks to the huge success of the Mercy Metric and several generous donations from Mercy community members, this is all possible!)

Dedicated Mercy Soccer Fields
All teams will practice at the LeBlond and St. Rose fields (located right next to each other on Eastern Ave.) This facilitates easy access from Mercy, carpooling between teams (since all teams will be at the same fields), easy access to the trainer who will be at these fields every day, and encourages a sense of community for Mercy families. A playground is also located at the LeBlond Field.

Awesome new uniforms
Last fall, new, dynamic uniforms were purchased and will be utilized again this spring! This included red socks for everyone to go with the shorts and jersey, new goalie jerseys, new scrimmage pennies and goalie gloves for the older teams.