Volleyball is offered to all girls at Mercy in Levels 4-8. There will be two teams this year representing Mercy in the CYO League.
Age Eligibility and Teams
Girls in levels 4-6 will be coached by Sharon Eddingfield. Practices for this team will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00 – 6:30 in our gym.
Girls in Levels 7-8 will be coached by Susan Beckert Rager. Practices for this team will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:30 in our gym
The Season/Costs
Volleyball practice typically starts in early-December, or right after Thanksgiving.
Matches begin in early-January and run through the end of February. The season is 10 matches plus a tournament. Mercy plays within the CYO.
The Registration Fee of $50.00 and the attached forms are due no later than Wednesday, November 21. (Please return to Cindy Dellinger c/o Tom Grant)
Volleyball Registratrion and CYO Forms can be found here on pages 4-6