Mercy Boosters - Special Events and Fundraisers

Mercy Spirit Wear

Mercy Metric Celebrates 29th Year
It was sunny and 75 degrees for this year’s 29th Annual Mercy Metric. More than 300 students, teachers, alumni, family members and friends of the school came out to run or walk at Lunken Airport in early-September. The event raised more than $8,000 for the Mercy Boosters Athletic Programs.

Veteran volunteers, Sr. Aloyse, Tom Grant, Patty Normile, Bob Coughlin, and Mark Flaspohler joinedrookie co-chairs Kim Perry and Shannon Keesee to set up registration, water stations, and timers at the direction of Race Director, Don Connelly and his team.

Dozens of Mercy families showed up to run and walk the race, volunteer, and/or cheer on the runners. Before the race, Kerry Butkovich’s Seton High school volleyball team participated in a Cross Fit warmup workout. In addition, the runners and walkers were treated to a big Mercy cheer when more than 50 students and family members lined up to thank all the runners during the “Bronsil Rah-Rah”.

Top Mercy finishers included:
Amy Ruschulte(2nd place/women-5k), Jonathan Hawgood, Mercy alum and parent (4th place/men-5k) and Todd Mansfield (6th place/men -5k.

Johnny Engle (7th level) was the first Mercy student to cross the finish line,and Josh Mansfield, Peter Felton, Danny Felton, the Coughlin kids, Onnie Middendorf, and Carli Flaspohler weren’t far behind in the 5k run.

Our die-hard 10k Mercy runners included John Fronduti, Mark Boyle, Bill and Kendra Broderick, Susan Bronsil, and Margie Zyck. Great job!

Even the teachers got into the act! Melissa Himmelbauer, Diane Fee, Allison McDonough, and Anthony Bernal were among the 5k walkers. Thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors. It was a great race and we look forward to more fun next year.

By Shannon Garry Keesee
Mercy Montessori Newsletter, October, 2007

Mercy Swim-a-Thon
Coming Soon!