It's time to "GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME"--the Soccer Game that is!
There will be a coaches meeting on Thursday, Nov. 29, at 7:00 in the cafeteria for anyone interested in coaching soccer in the spring season. If you have had thoughts about coaching but aren't sure, now is the time to come and find out what it would be about.
Our goal is to pair "experienced" coaches up with new coaches so each team has a dynamic dual for the season. The Mercy Boosters is also in the process of arranging for experienced soccer "skills" coaches to assist coaches at practices.
So if you feel you could coach team but don't know where to start, this is a great season to GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME and learn from some experienced professionals! All current coaches who wish to continue coaching in the spring as well as any new coaches are all asked to attend and share your thoughts about Mercy Soccer.
For more information contact Michele Geiger, 231-1794,